We make giving personal and convenient through 4 opportunities to support NOIAW.
Legacy In-Honor / In-Memory
Designate a legacy gift in honor, or in memory of someone you love—a one-of-a-kind gift to celebrate special people in your life. Legacy In-Honor/In-Memory provides acknowledgement and lasting recognition to your gift recipient that is tax-deductible.
Program & Event Contribution
You can select that your contribution be designated to NOIAW’s cultural events and/or mentoring program, so we can maintain our high-quality programming and keep our regional events affordable for all. Currently, we are in the process of re-establishing our Cultural Exchange Program.
Scholarship Support
Support NOIAW’s Scholarship Program so that we can continue to provide scholarships to high-achieving Italian American undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate financial need to continue their education. NOIAW awards between four and six scholarships per year.
One Time Donation